Thomas W McElmurray Scholarship
The Aiken Soil and Water Conservation District awards the Thomas W McElmurray Scholarship to a graduating senior from Aiken County every...
Thomas W McElmurray Scholarship
Energy Assessments with Brooke Myres
Introduction to Forestry: Diversifying Agricultural Land Workshop
Talking Garbage with Aiken County Students
Wild Pig & Coyote Management Workshop
S.E.E.D. 2017!
Super Splash Day at Lake Olmstead
2017 JDS Scholarship Recipient
AU Literacy Center's Family Fun Fair
EEASC Conference
Earth Week Activities
Scholarship Opportunities
SC Farmer Resource Rodeo
Looking for Aiken County Teachers and Students!
Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) Workshop
Upcoming Workshops & Events
2016 JDS Scholarship Recipient
NRCS Conservation Bootca
2016 SC Envirothon
2015 JDS Scholarship Recipient Receives Award