Over the past year the Aiken Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners have spent a portion of each monthly board meeting discussing natural resource priorities and strategies in Aiken County. After defining three particular goals the Board of Commissioners developed a long range plan that will serve as a guide and basis for our district’s annual plan of work, over the next five years.
Our three goals as defined in ASWCD’s Resource Conservation Plan:

Goal 1 - Promote the Aiken SWCD, improve community relations throughout the county, and acquire a larger foundation of affiliate members and volunteers.
Goal 2 - Provide technical assistance to Aiken County landowners and participate in educational outreach in the community and Aiken County Schools.
Goal 3 - Partner with local, state, and federal agencies to further the ASWCD’s mission.
You can read the full plan that outlines strategies to obtain these goals HERE, you can also find the link on our "Publications Page".